Matters of Scale downloadable parts are designed to be printed on resin printers. The higher the resolution the more detail, but you can get perfectly usable results from first generation resin desktop printers (2K and 4K).
When choosing a resin to print with, please choose a high quality, dimensionally stable resin that can print both strong light supports *and* high detail. Don't skimp out using cheap resin - those cheap budget resins are fine for Dungeons and Dragons miniatures and character sculpts, but fall part when printing small highly detailed geometric parts. One of the main problems with the cheap resin is that in order to get strong light supports you have to over expose the resin - and that looses detail. If you run the optimal exposure for details, the supports will not hold. The below resins can have very fine strong support at optimal exposure for detail.
I have tested the following resins extensively and then work excellently for printing scale model parts:
Phrozen Hyperfine
Phrozen Aqua 8K
Siraya Tech Fast Navy Grey
Elegoo Upgraded 8K Standard
For best results I recommend using a 8K or 12K resin printer.
Elegoo Mars 5 Ultra or Elegoo Saturn 4 Ultra are great choices.
The parts are not designed to be printed on fdm (filament) printers and are not optimized or tested for such printers. Fdm printers are great for other tasks but not for extremely high detailed parts that are offered here.